Virtual Assets of Ukraine (VAU)
The Public Union «Virtual Assets of Ukraine» (VAU) was founded in November 2020 by the non-governmental organisation (NGO) «Blockchain4Ukraine», blockchain ecosystem «Binance» and law companies Juscutum and Arzinger.
The mission of VAU is the launch of the virtual assets market in Ukraine as well as blockchain adoption in the key sectors of the business and public sector.
VAU develops WEB3 post-war reconstruction plan for Ukraine
Who we are
Partners & Memorandums

What we do
Post-war Blockchain recovery plan for Ukraine:
- Decentralized blockchain registry for real estate and land
- Smart contracts for the investments
- Zero corruption since human factor is eliminated
- Assets tokenization
- Cross-border transactions
- Blockchain4Grain is a social project of the Public Union "Virtual Assets of Ukraine" aimed at solving the problem of mining and contamination of agricultural land with explosive residues due to military actions in Ukraine.
- Ukraine has always been a strategic supplier of agricultural products under the UN WFP (Word Food Program). However, today in Ukraine more than 10 million acrs of agricultural land cannot be sown due to the fact that they are mined or contaminated with explosive residues due to military actions. Accordingly, there will be a shortage of supply.
- Our mission is to help Ukrainian farmers in the de-occupied territories of the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions to carry out work on demining fields and cleaning them from contamination by explosive residues as soon as possible.
- Our goal is to combine Blockchain technologies and technologies of non-destructive testing in humanitarian demining.
- In collaboration with the Ukrainian company "TELEOPTIC", that presented a solution for the implementation of tasks in the field of humanitarian demining, we use Blockchain and WEB3 technologies to track and protect the supply chain of grain from demined fields of Ukraine to countries where the population suffers from hunger.
Blockchain Estate Registry (BER)
New generation property registry that:
- Operates with digital records of ownership – Title Tokens
- Enables smart contracts and peer-to-peer transactions
- Relies on new forms of [digital] governance and public services
- Based on a bundle of creditable blockchains
- Runs in parallel to the current registry system – optional for users
European Blockchain Partnership (EBP)
Partnership development strategy:
- Ukraine joined EBP as an observer
- Ukraine will join current projects and offer new initiatives
- Ukraine's citizens will be able to store and exchange digital information and documents online and instantly with their smartphones thanks to a digital wallet
WEB3 Diia.Engine
The Diia.Engine project is a registry constructor that allows to quickly and efficiently create and launch new state registries.
The purpose of Web3 integration for Diia.Engine is:
- providing citizens of Ukraine with the opportunity to use their personal data in state registers in Web3 protocols.
- Providing new and existing registries based on Diia.Engine with the ability to create electronic documents based on registry data in the Verifiable Credentials (VC) format for citizens and keep them up to date.
The WEB3 Diia.Engine project provides the following benefits:
- Optimization of infrastructure estimates (by reducing the load in the modes of search, verification and confirmation of documents);
- Simplifies the task of cybersecurity of registers by reducing the number of integrations with external systems for data verification;
- The ability to build reliable authorization services that do not require the direct use of registries, including for protocols on Smart Contracts in Blockchains;
- Transition to international standards for electronic documents, which reduces the cost of further international integrations;
- The ability to use standard Zero-Knowledge algorithms to confirm facts without disclosure.
VAU is the only non-governmental organization in Ukraine verified by Binance
The crypto payments are made via multi signature procedure by the board members of VAU
Integrated KYC/AML filters
Annual audits by reputable audit company
Our experts are paid in crypto on their verified wallets